Essay Writing Help - Myths About Writing That Students Believe

Essay Writing Help - Myths About Writing That Students Believe

Essay writing at the university level is complex and time-consuming. Students get assignments to write on a frequent basis, which often leaves them overwhelmed and anxious. They don't get sufficient time to write and revise. As a result, they don't receive good feedback from their professors. It leads them to harbor quite many myths about academic writing. If you are struggling with college writing, you can freely seek essay writing help. However, it is important to make yourself aware of the many myths you may unconsciously believe in. It will help you overcome the many hurdles you face in your writing. Thus, you'll feel more confident in your ability to compose a great essay.


Common Essay Writing Myths That Most College Students Have

Myths, as you know, are false assumptions. When you start believing in them firmly, it distorts the reality in a negative way for you. But when you take out time to know about the real truth, you can see things in a positive way.


1. All other students have better essay writing skills.

It is one of the most common prevalent myths among most college students. When they are not confident about their writing skills, they believe that their classmates can write better than them. It is human nature to feel that others have better things than us. So, students think that no matter how much effort they put in, they can never match the writing skills of their classmates. 

It's best to become aware of this myth and start believing in your ability. Researching about your essay topic will make you write better. Over time, you'll be able to create good-quality essays and get a great score. 


2. It takes much time and intensive research to write a high-quality essay.

It is a myth that students who don't get good marks in their coursework usually believe in. Although a research-backed essay will indeed fetch you good marks, you don't need to spend hours in research. You only need to research intelligently. Understand your topic or question from all angles. While researching, try to develop your own point of view. If you need more help with it, it's best to connect with an essay help service. The experts are well-versed in making evidence-based essays. So, by going through their work, you'll understand how to structure your argument and discuss your ideas. 


3. Every professor is an expert at writing thought-provoking essays.

You might feel it hard to call it a myth, but it doesn't change the fact that it's so. Not all professors are skilled essay writers. But that doesn't mean they have less subject knowledge. Like every other writer, they also struggle to find a thesis and collect evidence for it. At the university level, it becomes difficult for anyone to gather evidence that adequately supports a unique viewpoint. Most evidence seems to be conflicting. So, making a strong essay or academic work can feel like a challenging task. 

But professors are also skilled at deeply analyzing information and constructing an argument. It is a result of their experience and practice. So, if you want to become a better writer, you should also read and practice writing as much as you can.


4. Good essay writing is an inborn trait.

No one is innately great at creating different kinds of academic work. You might have heard that some people are naturally good at writing. This statement doesn't apply to academic writing. It applies to works of fiction like short stories, poetry, and novels. Yes, there are many people who possess a natural talent to write incredible pieces of non-fiction. But no one comes with an in-built ability to write complex essays. 

But whenever you find yourself struggling with your assignment topic, you can seek college essay help. The writers are experienced at creating essays. It allows them to deliver students only the highest quality work.


5. You should use subject-specific jargon to gain a high score.

Many students feel like they need to use many words related to their topic in their essays. They feel like only such words can impress their professor and help them achieve a better score. However, it is not the truth. It does not matter to your professor what words you are using. All they want is to be able to understand your message. 

Always remember that clarity is key to writing great essays. Surprisingly, if you use too much topic-specific jargon, even your professor can get confused. So, use simple words that allow you to communicate your message properly.


Final Words

Creating essays is not as difficult as it may sound. If you harbor any of the myths above, it's time to stop believing in them. Remember that if you feel stuck at any point, you can seek professional essay writing help for it.


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